Running, Biomechanics and Shoes: How the Shoes You Wear Can Affect Your Foot Health
There are a myriad of conditions that you might experience or even suffer from if you run on a regular basis. Achilles tendonitis, Meniscus tears, Bursitis, Chondromalacia Patella and Plantar Fascitis, not to mention hip and back pain. When the foot hits the ground, it’s first function is to absorb the impact. If various biomechanics are off, proper absorption can be inhibited which can cause pain in different parts of the feet.
The ankle and knee are also involved in the impact of running. Once the foot pronates to accommodate the surface, the ankle is positioned to allow the knee to move the body forward, the heel of the foot becomes the lever that helps in the propelling motion and ends with the toes leaving the ground. If any of these functions are misaligned, one or several painful conditions can develop. One of the most common problems that can have …
Running, Biomechanics and Shoes: How the Shoes You Wear Can Affect Your Foot Health READ MORE